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"Asian Campus" project
Text source:Release date:2018.06.19Times of browsing:

The "CAMPUS Asia", fully known as the "Collective Action of Mobility Program of University Students", is a project led by the governments of China, Japan and South Korea to promote exchanges and cooperation among Chinese, Japanese and South Korean universities, especially student mobility.
In accordance with the spirit of the China Japan ROK Leaders' Meeting and the 2020 China Japan ROK Cooperation Outlook, as well as the consensus reached at the first meeting of the China Japan ROK University Exchange and Cooperation Promotion Committee, the "Asian Campus Plan" aims to carry out national level, all-round and quality guaranteed university exchanges, improve the level and competitiveness of higher education in relevant countries, and promote openness and cooperation among universities in China, Japan, South Korea and other Asian countries and regions, Build a bridge for student exchanges, realize the free flow of students among Asian campuses, and provide them with opportunities to experience the differences and similarities between different politics, history, society and culture, so as to enhance understanding and broaden international horizons. This will certainly enhance mutual trust, tolerance, understanding and respect among exchange students, and achieve common development and prosperity under the conditions of long-term peace in the region.
The "Asian Campus Plan" promotes cooperation among the three countries and mutual understanding among students through various forms of exchange projects among the three countries' colleges and universities, making contributions to enhancing the competitiveness of schools and cultivating the next generation of outstanding talents in Asia. The project is specifically guided by the "China Japan South Korea University Exchange and Cooperation Promotion Committee", which is composed of representatives from government departments, universities, quality assurance institutions, and the business community of China, Japan and South Korea. According to the plan, from 2012, China, Japan and the ROK will strengthen the exchange of students from the three countries through mutual recognition of credits and degrees. Students and postgraduates from China, Japan and South Korea can attend classes in universities in their favorite countries and obtain credits or degrees.
On March 3, 2018, the fifth student forum and project operation meeting of the "Asian Campus Project" was successfully held in Nagoya University, Japan, and Ms. Qiao Na, the internationalization office of Kaiyuan Law School, attended the meeting. The Asian Campus Project is a project jointly established by the governments of China, Japan and South Korea. The president meeting and project operation meeting of the project are held each year. Since its operation in 2011, the project has successfully held six meetings with fruitful results. This is also the annual project operation meeting held in accordance with the convention. Six colleges and universities participating in the "Asian Campus" project - Renmin University of China Law School, Kaiyuan Law School of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Tsinghua University Law School, Nagoya University in Japan, Seoul University and Sungkyunkwan University in South Korea all sent representatives to attend the meeting. The fifth Student Forum of the "Asian Campus Project" was held that morning. Students from China, Japan and the Republic of Korea selected different perspectives to conduct research reports around the forum theme of "Legal Issues of Contemporary Families in China, Japan and the Republic of Korea", and demonstrated their experience and understanding of exchange and study life in the 2016-2017 academic year. Through half a day of in-depth exchanges and discussions, the students demonstrated their academic life in exchange colleges, broadened their horizons, and effectively interpreted the purpose of the Asian Campus Project "to cultivate legal people who agree with the concept of the East Asian legal community in the field of law", which left a deep impression on all the experts and teachers attending the conference.
In the afternoon, an operation meeting of the Asian Campus Project was held. The project operation meeting was hosted by the Law School of Nagoya University. The meeting focused on the following three topics: reporting the results and lives of students participating in the Asian Campus Project, discussing the joint teaching plan and discussing the details of joint training. At the end of the meeting, we discussed the schedule and topics of the next meeting, and all the participating institutions expressed their great expectation for the next meeting. During the meeting, representatives of participating universities also jointly discussed the problems encountered in the implementation of the Asian campus project and put forward suggestions for improvement. Through exchange and study, all universities have a better understanding of the national policies and operating mechanism related to the project, and the project objectives and direction are clearer. All universities have expressed their efforts to make the Asian campus project a brand and reputation.