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The academic journal of Japan Research Center of Shanghai Jiaotong University, East Asian Studies, was first published
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Editor's note: The academic journal East Asian Studies (semiannual) sponsored by the Japan Research Center of Shanghai Jiaotong University has officially started publication, and the first issue will be published this month. This publication mainly publishes the academic achievements of Japanese researchers. With the purpose of promoting "Shanghai style Japanese studies", it focuses on publishing papers on Japanese enterprises, trade, finance, shipping, scientific and technological innovation, legal services, urban governance, and the relationship between the central and local governments. We warmly welcome colleagues from the academic community to give us contributions.

Member of the Editorial Committee of East Asian Studies
(sorted by last name)

Wu Jinan, Wang Shaopu, Ji Weidong, Wu Huaizhong, Gui Yongtao, Yang Dongliang, Chen Zilei, Huang Dahui, Wang Yong, Lin Laifan, Hu Lingyuan, Guan Jianqiang, Jin Yongming, Ma Lizhong, Chen Yingfang, Cheng Zhaoqi, Zhu Mang, Zhu Jianrong, Song Lishui, Du Jin, Jin Jianmin

Chief Editor Ji Weidong
Zhai Xin, Deputy Editor in Chief Zhu Yan
Director of editorial department Yin Yue
Editor in charge Zhao Binwei, Dan Dan, Wang Na, Liu Lu, Li Pengshu

Volume I Contents


China Japan relations are only "a strip of cloth" apart in space, but have experienced "two thousand years of gratitude and resentment" in time. From the story of sending Sui envoys to send letters to the Emperor, it can be found that the geographical locations such as sunrise and sunset, center and border, up and down, inside and outside, actually constitute the most essential metaphor of the relationship between the two countries from beginning to end, and thus shape the historical pattern of East Asian geopolitics. The concept of Asia originated from the geographical framework of the place of sunrise (Acu) defined by Phoenicia in the east of the Mediterranean Sea. It was only in the 18th century that an alternative Asian concept, the Chinese wind, emerged as a human being. After the Meiji Restoration, Japan broke out a fierce debate between Fukuzawa Yukichi style "leaving Asia and entering Europe" and Ishihara Guaner style "uniting China and resisting Europe". After "leaving Asia", Japan had two "entering Asia" movements - one was a tragedy, the other was a comedy, both of which had two dimensions of geography and humanity. Okcang Tianxin and Sun Wen advocated the theory of Asian integration, focusing on the shape or structure of space and the crustal movement with restructured relations in view of the fragmentation of Asia.
From the perspective of space shape, one of the most decisive conditions of Sino Japanese relations is that as close neighbors, they can't avoid each other, no matter what their likes and dislikes. As Tsangyang Gyatso described in his poem, "You see me, or you don't see me, I'm right there, neither sad nor happy". In this sense, for better or worse, neighbouring countries are bound to form a community of common destiny. The same situation exists between China, Japan and South Korea and North Korea. Therefore, when discussing Sino Japanese relations, we have to take the complex East Asia and even the world pattern as the basic background and analytical framework, and have to focus on a series of "triangles" (such as China, America, Russia, Japan, China, Japan, South Korea, China, Russia, India, China, Russia, North Korea, China, Japan and North Korea) or the interaction of the "three stripes" paradigm and their various combinations, so that there can be a more objective frame of reference between self and others. This is also an important reason why the official journal of the Japan Research Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University was named East Asian Studies. At the same time, taking the Asia Pacific integration and the intersection and overlap between East Asia and Western Europe, North America as the key to the new era of China Japan relations, expanding the breadth and depth of country studies, also makes our advertised style of "Shanghai style Japanese studies" more prominent, and ensures that the observation of the Japanese islands has greater strategic depth or space for maneuver.
From the perspective of spatial morphology, the most basic framework to grasp Sino Japanese relations so far is the geopolitical proposition of strict distinction and divide and rule between marine Asia and land Asia. The so-called marine Asia mainly refers to those coastal countries or regions in Asia that implement free economy and democratic political system, such as Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan, which are considered to be open and reform oriented. The so-called Land Asia has long been regarded as represented by China and labeled as closed, introverted and traditional. However, since the late 1970s, the rapid growth of China's export-oriented economy, the exponential growth of marine transport demand and the constant encroachment on the sovereignty of islands and reefs in the South China Sea have occurred simultaneously, which finally awakened this nation's marine consciousness. Starting from the formulation of the Law on Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone in 1992, and until the recently promoted concept of "Maritime Silk Road", China quickly faced the sea, managed the sea, and strengthened maritime rights protection activities, which made the above dichotomy epistemological framework seem to be on the verge of collapse. In this process, the traditional canal economic network with Yangzhou as the hub and the modern Yangtze River economic belt with Shanghai as the hub have further broken the simplified schema of land Asia. With the increasingly active interaction between rivers and oceans, the history of land sea relations in East Asia has also been activated and reinterpreted, forming the source of "Shanghai style Japanese research".
From the perspective of spatial form, China Japan relations have great tension in the two major areas of economic cooperation and security. Since the late 1970s, China has entered into reform and opening up, which has been welcomed by European, American and Japanese countries. In short, there is no solid and obvious border in the economy. China and Japan, as well as European and American countries, are intertwined, interdependent and even integrated. Since China's accession to the WTO, its economy has been further integrated into the global free trade system and gradually expanded, which has made European, American and Japanese countries uneasy and even fearful. However, due to the difference between America's post-war security policy in Asia and that in Europe, the United States did not establish a collective military mechanism similar to NATO, nor a heavily fortified confrontation pattern. Instead, it established defense arrangements through the alliance between the two countries, which provided China with an opportunity to manoeuvre. However, it also provides a starting point for the right-wing conservative forces of the United States and Japan to gossip and suppress China's economic development momentum by military and political means. The specific performance is that the so-called "cold politics and hot economy" phenomenon has emerged between China and Japan in the long period of the 21st century. In such a special situation, how to eliminate the doubts of Asian neighbors and remove the obstacles to further economic development through the new concept of security, or how to resolve the political and military estrangement through close economic cooperation (such as the China Japan ROK Free Trade Area, the ASEAN 10+3 Cooperation Mechanism, etc.), and avoid the arms race caused by the excessive defense mentality of Asian countries is the outcome of China's efforts And the key problems to be solved by great wisdom. How to connect China's "Maritime Silk Road" concept with the TPP11 framework led by Japan to form a ring of peace, stability and prosperity in Asia and the Pacific is also an important and urgent topic of the "Shanghai Style Japan Study".
"Shanghai Style Japanese Studies" is a proposition put forward by Mr. Wang Daohan, an old scholar and famous politician of Shanghai Jiaotong University. According to the understanding of the latest authoritative proposition of promoting the Shanghai spirit of mutual trust and mutual benefit, equality and pluralism, and common development, the main characteristics of the Shanghai style Japanese study should be the combination of Chinese and Western, facing the Pacific Ocean, and transcending the old concepts such as cold war thinking and zero sum game, so as to form a pluralistic perspective and inclusive thinking. Shanghai is the center of China's market economy, the leader of the Yangtze River basin, and the hub of the Oriental Bay Area. Therefore, Shanghai style research is bound to pay more attention to such practical issues as enterprises, trade, finance, shipping, scientific and technological innovation, legal services, urban governance, and the relationship between the central and local governments, which is more technical, professional and empirical. In a word, the "globalization", which closely links the earth and the local, and the "multi-dimensional culture", which enables different civilizations and traditions to coexist, communicate and understand each other in harmony, are the style of Shanghai style Japanese studies and the purpose of East Asia Studies.
Since East Asia Studies aims to promote "Shanghai style Japanese studies", it should take researchers from Japan and even East Asia in Shanghai, the Yangtze River Delta, and the southeast coastal provinces as the main author group and the basis for the magazine to settle down, but it will never be confined to the view of one place and one school. We welcome relevant professional scholars at home and abroad to contribute actively, and will continue to solicit contributions globally. The contributions of the inaugural issue are from China and Japan, and we are very honored to have the support of some famous international experts. For example, Mr. Fujikawa Shinji, the president of Toyo University, once served as the deputy official of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, and was one of the core members of the Japan China Economic Knowledge Exchange. He personally inspected the mechanism and effect of China Japan economic cooperation in the era of reform and opening up, and hoped that this would be the basis for regional cooperation in East Asia. Mr. Nishihara, former President of Waseda University, was the main promoter of Sino Japanese legal exchange and cooperation. His article focused on recalling the activities and gains in Shanghai, and seemed to be intended to express some response and support to the "Shanghai style Japanese study". These two articles reveal some important facts and plots that have never been heard of before, both of which have precious historical value. Mr. Miyamoto Hideiji, the president of the Japan China Relations Society, once served as ambassador to China. He re recognized and positioned China Japan relations against the background of the post-war international order shaking, and expressed a wealth of insights between the lines, which is worth pondering carefully. The senior Chinese economic analyst, Junzai Tsushiro, analyzed the role and problems of China and Japan in the era of globalization with specific facts and a large amount of data, especially made a thorough investigation and prediction of the impact of the Sino US trade war, which is very enlightening.
The publication was launched at an important juncture to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Meiji Restoration and the 40th anniversary of the conclusion of the Sino Japanese peace and friendship treaty. Professor Gao Quanxi, one of the representatives of the political constitutional school, compared the concept of a modern country embodied in the Constitution of the Great Japanese Empire with the constitutional movement of China in the late Qing Dynasty, and analyzed its advantages and disadvantages, which made people think deeply. Professor Wu Jinan, President of the Japan Society of Shanghai, focused on discussing the extension and connotation of the new era of China Japan relations, and made a thorough and pertinent analysis and accurate judgment on the reasons, mechanisms, development trends and remaining problems of the diplomatic recovery of the two countries. Professor Zhai Xin, from the School of International and Public Affairs of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, focused on the Taiwan issue in the process of normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan, and deeply studied the context and internal contradictions of the Japanese government's policy concept of "ensuring Taiwan", which is interesting to read. Professor Wang Yong is an outstanding expert in the research field of the history of Sino Japanese relations, especially the history of East Asian cultural exchanges. Based on rich historical materials, he redefined the concept of "East Asia" from the perspective of academic framework and cultural boundaries, which is the finishing touch of the inaugural issue of East Asian Studies. Professor Ge Jiyong made a specific textual research on the evolution of the term "Japan" and the relevant knowledge pedigree, emphasized the spatial characteristics of the names of East Asian countries, and inadvertently outlined the relationship between Japanese studies and East Asian studies.
The unrest in 2018 left a deep impression on people. In fact, the world has changed dramatically since 2008. There are two main reasons for promoting the global transformation: one is that China has risen rapidly as a major power and held high the banner of supporting the economic multilateralism system and opposing the tendency of trade protectionism; The other is that the Islamic extremist movement challenges the existing international order. By 2016, Britain and the United States, which had always been regarded as the anchor of world stability, had suddenly changed: the British referendum decided to leave the European Union, causing huge waves in Europe and the world; The introduction of alternative President Trump in the US election has constantly caused accidents and uncertainties in various countries, constituting two other driving forces to change the global system and order. These are the four forces that have driven great changes in the world in the past decade. Against this background, it goes without saying that China, the second largest economy in the world, and Japan, the third largest in the world, are increasingly important to world stability. The conditions for East Asian economic integration are also maturing, but the uncertainty and risks of the world are growing. This is the essence of the new era of China Japan relations.
This great change, which happens once in decades or even hundreds of years, poses serious challenges to Japanese research and East Asian research, and also brings significant opportunities for knowledge innovation. In order to adapt to the needs of the development of the world situation after 2019, specifically promote the research on theories and countermeasures in relevant fields in Japan and East Asia, and precipitate and accumulate relevant academic achievements, the Japan Research Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University decided to establish East Asia Studies and strive to make it a high-quality, internationally renowned professional journal as soon as possible. The content of this magazine will include special topics, academic papers, research reviews, dynamic introductions, translations, historical materials, book reviews and other columns. I hope this new journal can carry the mission of the times, become an open platform for exchange of ideas and collision of opinions, become the spiritual home of scholars in related fields, and grow up with a group of young talents. I also hope that you colleagues and friends will not hesitate to give your comments in the future!

Ji Weidong Met Shanghai Sincerely


Instructions for Submission

1. East Asian Studies (Semiannual), founded in 2019, is an academic journal sponsored by the Japan Research Center of Shanghai Jiaotong University, which mainly publishes the academic achievements of Japanese researchers. With the purpose of promoting "Shanghai Style Japanese Studies", this magazine focuses on publishing papers on Japanese enterprises, trade, finance, shipping, scientific and technological innovation, legal services, urban governance, and the relationship between the central and local governments. We warmly welcome colleagues from the academic community to give us contributions.
2. The journal adopts a two-way anonymous review system. Please avoid the name of the author and other information about the author in the text of the manuscript provided to this magazine.
3. This magazine does not limit the number of characters of contributions, and it is advisable that the characters should not be less than 2500. Please attach a Chinese abstract of no more than 300 words and 3-5 key words. Please check the accuracy of citations, charts, figures, dates, names of people and places in your manuscript. At the end of the paper, the author's organization, contact address, postal code, telephone number and e-mail address shall be indicated. If the thesis is funded by relevant national departments, please indicate the official name and project number of the project.
4. Do not submit more than one draft. E-mail is the first choice for contributions. Email: , indicating contributions to the journal of East Asian Studies. If conditions are limited, you can mail to: Zhengyi Building, Shanghai Jiaotong University, 125 Huaihai West Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai (formerly the fourth floor in the north), Zip code: 200030. Please use A4 paper to print the manuscript. If the author has not received the adoption notice within one month from the date of sending the manuscript, he may handle it by himself. No rejection.
5. This magazine has the right to delete and modify manuscripts. Please attach a statement if you do not agree to delete and modify manuscripts.
6. No page fee is charged. After the manuscript is published, pay the remuneration and give it to the sample publication (1 volume). If the author does not receive it, please inquire in time to verify and send it again.