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Shanghai Jiaotong University successfully held the China Japan Enterprise Innovation Cooperation Forum in the Digital Age
Text source:Release date:2022.01.05Times of browsing:

On January 4, 2022, the fifth "Innovation and Co creation" Sino Japanese Enterprise Innovation Cooperation Forum of Shanghai Jiaotong University was successfully held in Shanghai Jiushi Hengshan Hotel. The theme of this forum is "Policy Trends and Enterprise Changes for Digital Economy and Smart City", co sponsored by Shanghai Jiaotong University and the Consulate General of Japan in Shanghai, and undertaken by the Japan Research Center of Shanghai Jiaotong University. Zhou Cheng, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Jiaotong University, and Hideki Akamatsu, Consul General of Japan in Shanghai attended the opening ceremony of the forum and delivered a speech. Zhang Ying, Deputy Director of Shanghai Economic and Information Commission, Ji Weidong, Senior Professor of Liberal Arts at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Director of Japan Research Center, Lu Ming, Distinguished Professor of Antai School of Economics and Management at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Ao Zhengshi, Vice Consul General of the Consulate General of Japan in Shanghai, Fukuda Gaogan, Ma Junjie, Twin Technologies and CEO, Yu Qianghua, Founder and CEO of Weijin, Song Ye, Chairman of Yunant Zhilian (Shanghai) Information Technology Co., Ltd., Li Xingchun, Chairman of the Business Innovation and Venture Capital Office of KDDI Co., Ltd. Shanghai Representative Office, and more than 100 government officials from Chinese and Japanese government departments, research institutions and well-known enterprises, including Ge Jun, Executive Director of the National Innovation and Development Strategy Research Association, Feng Runxiang, former Director of the International Department of the People's Bank of China Shanghai Headquarters Experts, scholars and entrepreneurs overcame the difficulties of the epidemic, gathered together online and offline, and conducted in-depth discussions and extensive exchanges around the "China Japan New Cooperation in the Digital Age". This forum also constitutes an important part of the "AI and Future City Series Academic Exchange" project of Shanghai's special support fund for Chinese culture going global in 2020, and has attracted the attention and reports of dozens of media in Shanghai.

The opening ceremony of the forum was hosted by Ji Weidong, a senior professor of liberal arts at Shanghai Jiaotong University and director of the Japan Research Center. Ji Weidong extended a warm welcome to the guests at the meeting and heartfelt thanks for your long-term support. He pointed out that this year is an important node for the 50th anniversary of the normalization of China Japan diplomatic relations. In the next 50 years, the digital economy will be an important area of China Japan cooperation. Therefore, this forum takes the lead in comparing China's and Japan's digital policies and initiatives, and deeply discusses the possibility of China and Japan's complementary advantages and innovative cooperation in the digital economy, which is of great and far-reaching significance.

Zhou Cheng delivered a speech on behalf of Shanghai Jiaotong University. He pointed out that with the advent of the digital wave, cooperation is a global and epochal issue. China Japan technical cooperation has a long history and a deep foundation. Digital transformation is the development direction of achieving a higher level of mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries in the new era. It is also a key area to boost the economic development of the two countries. It is also a favorable measure to benefit the world and benefit future generations. China and Japan should be keenly aware of the trend and actively cooperate. This forum closely follows the policy situation, focuses on the digital economy, pays attention to the needs of enterprises, focuses on the understanding and response to the changes in the market economy brought about by digitalization, aims to promote the implementation of the latest industrial economic development policies of China and Japan, and has far-reaching significance in promoting investment cooperation between Chinese and Japanese enterprises.

Hideki Akamatsu delivered a speech on behalf of the Consulate General of Japan in Shanghai. He stressed that China and Japan are neighbors by a strip of water, and the two countries have close ties in history, geography, culture, economy and other aspects. I hope I can do my best to make the national exchanges between China and Japan more extensive. I look forward to working with you to promote future cooperation between the two countries. He said that the "Innovation and Co creation" Forum is an important platform for innovation and cooperation between Chinese and Japanese enterprises. He was pleased to continue to work with Professor Ji Weidong to promote substantive communication, and to think deeply about China Japan cooperation in the digital era and the future of bilateral relations. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the normalization of Japan China diplomatic relations. It is hoped that the next 50 years of bilateral relations will be kicked off in Shanghai, and with this forum as the core, experts and scholars from Japan and China will work together to create a foundation for future oriented exchanges through exchanges in various fields.

The keynote speech was also hosted by Professor Ji Weidong. Zhang Ying, Deputy Director of Shanghai Municipal Economic and Information Commission, Lu Ming, Distinguished Professor of Antai School of Economics and Management of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Sato Longliang, Consul of the Consulate General of Japan in Shanghai, and Shunming Sakano, Counsellor of the Strategic Planning Section of the Strategic Promotion Office of the Smart City Strategy Department of Osaka Prefecture, gave keynote speeches respectively.
Zhang Ying delivered a keynote speech under the theme of "New Digital Era, New Opportunities for Cities". She pointed out that the current wave of digitalization sweeping the world has profoundly affected all aspects of human social development, especially during the COVID-19, which has played a huge role, reflecting significant advantages, and also provided new forms and opportunities for exchanges and cooperation between different countries and cities. Digital transformation and development is a new opportunity for the development of countries and cities around the world, and is the only way for enterprises to create long-term development advantages. Shanghai has made every effort to build an international digital capital with world influence. It has made positive progress in the three areas of economy, life and governance, and promoted the construction of a number of benchmark scenarios. Based on the vast Chinese market and the booming ecology of Shanghai, we look forward to greater cooperation between Chinese and Japanese enterprises in the field of digital innovation.

Lu Ming delivered a keynote speech under the theme of "Cities in the View of Big Data". He believes that big data can provide a new research paradigm for understanding the spatial structure of urban agglomerations and cities, and can also become a production factor and driving force of the digital economy. In the view of big data, cities show the characteristics of the intelligent Internet of Things, where everything is interconnected and the virtual and the real are interlaced, leading to essential changes in the city's ecological environment. People's living, employment and consumption as well as the relationship between cities need to be re recognized and repositioned. High density cities provide new application scenarios for big data, which can provide new decision-making basis for urban management policies. It can be seen that rich application scenarios and massive high-quality data constitute a huge advantage of China's digital economy.

Sato Longliang, standing in the position of administrative officials, shared "Japan's overall operation oriented to digitalization", inspected and analyzed Japan's digital policy from different perspectives, such as the promotion of communication policy by the Ministry of General Affairs and the promotion of government digitalization by the cabinet office, and introduced Japan's system design and actual situation in terms of data trust function. In the context of the outbreak of new coronary pneumonia and the acceleration of social digitalization, he also introduced in detail the problems that need to be solved at present, the role of the government, and the efforts and measures to promote the flexible use of enterprise data.

Shunming Shouno gave a speech entitled "Operation of Osaka Prefecture (Wide Area Autonomous Body) in Smart City". He pointed out that Osaka, Japan's second city, decided to promote the construction of a smart city in order to win in the urban competition. The biggest goal of this measure is to improve the quality of life of residents, and the biggest feature is that local governments and private companies promote social practice projects through the citizens' joint ecosystem. In the future, the social infrastructure will be integrated on the basis of extensive data cooperation, and digital services will be extended to the whole region.

The subsequent round table forum was chaired by Takan Fukuda, Vice Consul General of the Japanese Consulate General in Shanghai. Ma Junjie, the founder and CEO of Twin Technologies, Yu Qianghua, the founder and CEO of Viking, Song Ye, the chairman of Yunant Zhilian (Shanghai) Information Technology Co., Ltd., Chai Shan Zhengming, the supervisor of the newly established company of Aichi County Bureau of Economy and Industry, and Tomohiko Li, the director of the Business Innovation and Venture Capital Office of KDDI's Shanghai Representative Office, discussed the "new cooperation in the digital era" on the basis of the keynote speech. They respectively described the market positioning and characteristics of Chinese and Japanese enterprises, introduced various scenarios of digital technology application and the cutting-edge trend of industrial layout, and sought the possibility of business cooperation between Chinese and Japanese enterprises in the field of digitalization.

Ma Junjie said that the mission and vision of Twin Digital Technology is to simplify the digital, so that everyone can enter the mirror image of the digital world, to achieve a real symbiosis between the virtual and the real. China and Japan have great cooperation space in digital production, digital design and other aspects. The difficulty lies in the language problem. We should explore and create an enterprise cooperation environment without language barrier.

Yu Qianghua first introduced the main achievements of Viking, pointing out that digital finance makes the digital economy more efficient. He believed that China and Japan have cooperation prospects in digital finance, digital regulation, digital operation and other aspects, and looked forward to exchanges and cooperation with Japanese enterprises.

Song Ye believes that the essence of digital economy is a driving force. In terms of driving force, she introduced Yunant Zhilian's work and achievements in chip development, sensor technology, etc. She further proposed the vision of cooperating with Japanese enterprises to develop sensors and other technologies that will help promote economic governance and livelihood governance.

Chai Shanzhengming introduced the ecosystem of Aichi start-ups, pointing out that the system is aimed at building an innovative smart city based on start-ups and centered on automobile, aviation, robot and other industries. Aichi County has cooperated with many universities in China, the United States, France, Singapore and other countries, and has reached an initial intention of cooperation with Shanghai Jiaotong University, looking forward to building a global community for entrepreneurial companies。

Mr. Matsui believes that digitalization is developing rapidly in China, especially in big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Emerging technologies have been fully embedded in economic activities and social life. In the digital era, there are many areas where Chinese and Japanese enterprises can strengthen exchanges and cooperation, such as robots, mobile communications and other fields.

Finally, the closing summary was chaired by Cai Yuping, Deputy Director of the Japan Research Center of Shanghai Jiaotong University, and Fukuda Gao Gan and Ji Weidong respectively summarized the meeting.

Fukuda Gaogan first expressed his sincere thanks to all the guests for their support. He further pointed out that 50 years ago, China Japan relations were almost equivalent to China Japan diplomatic relations, but now China Japan relations have gone far beyond China Japan diplomatic relations, involving different aspects such as cities, economy, society and culture, providing a broad space for deeper exchanges and cooperation between China and Japan.

Ji Weidong shared his feelings on China Japan cooperation in the digital era in his summary. He pointed out that digitalization is not only a disruptive technological innovation, but also a social system revolution. It is a common topic of the world to promote economic growth, build a more affluent society, and realize the paradigm shift of national governance with the help of the Internet, big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence. Under the digital background, how to realize cross-border data circulation and how to promote third-party market cooperation are the key to improve the digital competitiveness of East Asia, and also the development direction of achieving higher level mutually beneficial cooperation among countries in the new era. Looking forward to the next fiftieth anniversary of China Japan economic cooperation, industrial digitalization and digital industrialization will be new growth points and highlights. Here, the two countries can complement each other's strengths, so as to maintain peace and prosperity in the Asia Pacific region, benefit the world and benefit mankind as a whole.

Before the start of the forum, Vice Secretary Zhou Cheng met with Consul General Chimatsu Xiu in the VIP Room. At the same time, on behalf of the sponsor, he met with Vice Director Zhang Ying, Professor Lu Ming, CEO Ma Junjie, CEO Yu Qianghua, Chairman Song Ye, Minister Tomohiko Rii and other speakers, and conducted interviews and exchanges.

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