Zhihua Zheng, the Associate Researcher of the Center for Japanese Studies of Shanghai Jiao Tong University was invited to participate in the Ninth Round of "U.S.-China Track II Dialogue on Maritime Affairs & International Law"
On December 16-17th 2020, the National Committee on US-China Relations and the National Institute for South China Sea Studies jointly organized the Ninth round of the “U.S.-China Track II Dialogue on Maritime Affairs & International Law” Online Conference. More than 30 Experts and Representatives from the following Institutions, Organizations and Government Departments have attended this dialogue session: The National Institute for South China Sea Studies, Institute for China-America Studies, Peking University, Fudan University, Nanjing University, School of International Relations, Wuhan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Grandview Institution, Taiwan’s "Academia Sinica", the National Committee on US-China Relations, and the Office of the Legal Adviser of the United States Department of State, New York University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Hofstra University, University of Washington, Naval War College, CNA Corporation and Stanford University. Shicun Wu the President of the National Institute for South China Sea Studies and Orlins the President of the National Committee on US-China Relations, respectively delivered their speeches at the Opening ceremony. Experts from both China and the United States explore the issues over the South China Sea, the South China Sea policy under a Biden administration, Maritime Dispute Settlements Mechanisms and Legal trends, management of maritime disputes and escalated tensions in both the South China Sea and the East China Sea, the discussion of China and US Maritime rules making, the construction of Security Mechanisms, and Marine Governance and Ocean Management.