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Visit and exchange activities related to economic cooperation between China and Japan
Text source:Release date:2021.05.01Times of browsing:

A delegation led by Satoshi ITO, Director of Shanghai Affairs of Japan-China Economic Association, visited the Center for Japanese Studies

On the afternoon of April 13, 2021, Satoshi ITO, the director of Shanghai Affairs of the Japan-China Economic Association, and his successor Nobu Sasahara, visited the Center for Japanese Studies. Mr. Ji Weidong, Director of the Center for Japanese Studies, and Mr. Cai Yuping, Deputy Director of the Center, received guests and held talks in the conference room on the second floor of Beisi Building, Xuhui Campus of Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Director Satoshi ITO will soon return to Japan due to the expiry of his term of office. He reviewed economic exchanges between China and Japan during his time of office. He said that the Japan-China Economic Association, as one of the platforms for exchanges between China and Japan, has been vigorously supporting trade, investment and non-governmental exchanges between the two countries. At present, due to the impact of the covid-19 epidemic, exchanges in all aspects have been relatively inactive; but after the pandemic there will be a huge recovery. Mr. Sasahara said that he had worked in Dalian and Beijing in the field of oversea service for more than 10 years, and had communicated with Civil Aviation Administration of China in East China Region while working for Japan Airlines. Now he came to the Shanghai office of Japan-China Economic Association as the director, and he felt very comfortable. We look forward to further strengthening exchanges and cooperation with the Center of Japanese Studies.

Mr. Ji expressed his appreciation to the Shanghai Office of Japan-China Economic Association for its continuous support to the Center of Japanese Studies. He said that the Center focuses on the exchanges and cooperation between China and Japan in the fields of economy, enterprises, science and technology, and has formed two major forums in the field of exchanges between Chinese and Japanese enterprises - the "Sino-Japanese Enterprise Innovation Cooperation Forum" and the "Sino-Japanese Enterprise Legal Forum". The former is co-hosted by the Center for Japanese Studies and the Japanese Consulate General in Shanghai. The latter is co-hosted by the Center for Japanese Studies and the Association of Japanese Business Law. We look forward to cooperating with the Shanghai Office of Japan-China Economic Association to explore the possibility of dialogue between Chinese and Japanese business leaders.

Huang Xueqi, Special Advisor and secretariat of Tianjin Research Institute of National New Materials Industry Development Strategy Advisory Committee visited the Center for Japanese Studies

On the morning of April 27, 2021, a delegation led by Huang Xueqi, Special Advisor and Director of Liaison Department of Tianjin Research Institute and Secretariat of National New Materials Industry Development Strategy Advisory Committee visited the Center for Japanese Studies. Mr. Ji Weidong, Director of the Center for Japanese Studies, and Mr. Cai Yuping, Deputy Director of the Center, received guests in the conference room on the second floor of the Beisi Building, Xuhui Campus of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and discussed the possibility of future cooperation between the two sides in various fields.

Special Adviser Huang Xueqi expressed appreciation to Director Ji Weidong and his delegation for their warm reception. He introduced his 40 years of working experience in the United Nations, Africa and other overseas places, and the main functions of Tianjin Research Institute and Secretariat of National New Materials Industry Development Strategy Advisory Committee. He said that in the past few years, the institute's research results mainly focused on the material industry, providing industry development advice to government departments, enterprises and public institutions. In the future, considering the high degree of economic integration between China and Japan, the institution will attempt research achievements in the economic field. Later, Minister He Huan introduced the details of the National New Materials Industry Development Strategy Advisory Committee and the relevant achievements of the Tianjin Research Institute and Secretariat.

Director Ji Weidong briefly introduced the activities of the institutionalized forum of the Center for Japanese Studies -- Sino-Japanese Enterprise Legal Forum, Sino-Japanese Enterprise Innovation Cooperation Forum, Nitto special lecture, TELL+JAPAN and other activities, and shared the research achievements of the researchers. He expressed the hope to explore network-like cooperation with Tianjin Institute, so that the two sides can learn from each other and jointly make new achievements in the technical, legal and economic benefits of new energy.

Finally, the two sides agreed to deepen cooperation and communication by sending experts to participate in seminars and forums hosted by each other, and conducting joint research on the risks of clean energy and industrial chain shift.