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Center Dynamics | Aichi University continued the front edge of East Asia Tongwen Academy and Xiashan Conference, and strengthened the interaction between teachers and students with the Japan Research Center of Shanghai Jiaotong University
Text source:Release date:2019.03.14Times of browsing:

At 9:00 a.m. on March 13, Professor Ichiro Kawabata and Associate Professor Gang Yoshikawa of Aichi University led seven sophomores of Aichi University's Modern China Department to visit the Japan Research Center of Shanghai Jiaotong University. Ji Weidong, director of the Japan Research Center, Zhai Xin, deputy director, Cai Yuping, deputy director, Xu Yue, director of the Administrative Office, Liu Lu, deputy director, and student representatives of Kaiyuan Law School received and conducted exchange activities among students in the conference room on the second floor of the north fourth floor of Xuhui Campus of Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Director Ji Weidong, Deputy Director Zhai Xin and Deputy Director Cai Yuping first welcomed the teachers and students from Aichi University. Director Ji Weidong reviewed the relationship between Shanghai Jiaotong University and East Asia Tongwen Academy, Xiashan Society, as well as the communication with Aichi University, and introduced the basic situation and activities of the university level interdisciplinary platform Japan Research Center since its establishment. He pointed out that the Japan Research Center will promote China Japan exchanges from the following three aspects: first, promote Shanghai style Japanese research; Second, promote the high-end dialogue between China and Japan in the field of economy and law; Third, promote public diplomacy in East Asia. At the same time, he said that the Japan Research Center also hopes to strengthen communication with Japanese universities, recruit outstanding Chinese students who master Japanese and Japanese students who master Chinese in the future, and provide a bridge for communication between Chinese and Japanese students. I hope that students of Aichi University can also study in Shanghai Jiaotong University in the future, and are willing to join hands with the School of Foreign Languages of the University to carry out summer classes, short-term visits and other exchange activities.

Professor Ichiro Riverside and Associate Professor Yoshikawa Gang expressed their gratitude to Director Ji Weidong for his warm reception, and expressed their hope to carry out more such exchanges in the future, so as to create more opportunities for communication and understanding between Chinese and Japanese students. Associate Professor Yoshikawa Gang believes that in a sense, Aichi University is the predecessor of East Asia Tongwen College, and has a deep relationship with Xiashan Association. Both of them have frequent exchanges with Shanghai Jiaotong University. Aichi Prefecture is also a prosperous industrial city and a leading manufacturing center in Japan. A large number of automobile companies, including world famous automobile manufacturers such as Toyota, Mitsubishi, Suzuki and Volkswagen, have gathered in Aichi County, which is conducive to the cooperation between Aichi University and the Japan Research Center of Shanghai Jiaotong University in economic, business and corporate legal aspects, as well as the overseas study and study tours of Japanese majors in Shanghai Jiaotong University. He expressed the hope that the teachers and students of Shanghai Jiaotong University could visit Aichi University and carry out activities to visit local factories and taste local food in Aichi County. Finally, Associate Professor Yoshikawa Gang looked forward to more exchanges between the two universities in the future, and expressed his hope to deepen the interaction between the two universities through more diverse ways, providing a platform for communication between students and teachers.

Yoshikawa Gang, Associate Professor of Aichi University, made a speech

Subsequently, seven students from Aichi University and five students from Kaiyuan Law School introduced themselves and expressed their desire to contribute to China Japan friendship. Associate Professor Yoshida said jokingly that speaking into a microphone always has a sense of seriousness. Therefore, in order to further promote in-depth exchanges between students from both countries, students are encouraged to leave their seats for free communication. After that, the students stood together and had a pleasant chat. The atmosphere of communication between the two sides was very warm. After the exchange, the students exchanged contact information.

Students communicate freely

At the end of the activity, all members took a group photo at the gate of the Japan Research Center and said goodbye to each other, looking forward to meeting again in the future.