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Center Dynamics | Japan Research Center of Shanghai Jiaotong University Held the Opening Ceremony of Tokyo Office
Text source:Release date:2019.04.25Times of browsing:

After more than half a year of negotiation and preparation, the office of the Japan Research Center of Shanghai Jiaotong University in Tokyo was officially opened on April 24, 2019. Academician Ding Kuiling, Executive Vice President of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Ji Weidong, Senior Professor of Liberal Arts, Director of the Japan Research Center, Ding Jian, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Foreign Languages, Cai Yuping, Deputy Director of the International Exchange and Cooperation Division, and Huang Jinxian, Deputy Secretary General of the Education Development Foundation, attended relevant activities in Japan. Dozens of people attended the unveiling ceremony and the symposium, including Keisuke Yokosuchi, Deputy Representative Officer and Executive Director of the Japan Economic Friends Association, Yasuki Ishii, Director General of Chengxi University, Yukio Ono, Special Assistant to the Director General of Chengxi University, Yukio Kitamura, Director General of the Corporate Affairs Department, Bai Fanjing, President of Chengxi University, Kenji Sugaret, President of Chengxi International University, and Wang Jiaxun, President of the Association of Chinese Enterprises in Japan.

At the unveiling ceremony, Ding Kuiling, Executive Vice President of Shanghai Jiaotong University, first delivered a speech, expressing gratitude to the University's legal person, Chengxi University, for providing offices, conference rooms and classrooms free of charge in the prime location of the Japanese capital center for the use of the Tokyo office of the Japanese Research Center, and paying tribute to the support and help of the Japanese Economic Fellowship Association and the Chinese Enterprise Association in Japan. Then Vice President Ding introduced the basic situation of Shanghai Jiaotong University and its brilliant achievements in teaching and scientific research, emphasized the close contact, exchange and cooperation between the University and Japan, and affirmed and looked forward to the work of the Japan Research Center.

Ji Weidong, director of the Japan Research Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, first pointed out in his speech that the establishment of the Tokyo Office is of great significance to the strengthening of exchanges and cooperation between the two countries, and is also a symbol of China Japan relations entering a new era. He took this opportunity to express his sincere thanks to the Japan Economic Association, the Japan Economic Fellowship Association, the Chinese Enterprise Association in Japan, the University's legal person, and other relevant parties, especially highly praised the help and contributions of friends such as Shimizu Yoshiki, Yokomura Keisuke, Kitamura Keisuke, Wang Jiaxun, and Gao Shikun. After introducing the mission, recent situation and work progress of the Japan Research Center, Professor Ji clarified the positioning and ambition of the Tokyo Office. Due to the superior geographical location of the Tokyo office, it is conducive to conducting academic research, holding special forums, promoting non-governmental exchanges, and especially providing an open platform for in-depth cooperation between Chinese and Japanese enterprises. The Japan Research Center will rely on the Tokyo office to attract more outstanding students to Shanghai Jiaotong University to study abroad and pursue degrees, and also provide high-end training programs such as EMBA courses for operators, professionals and cadres in China and Japan.

The representative of Japan Economic Fellowship Association Yokosuke and the representative of China Enterprise Association in Japan Wang Jiaxun also delivered speeches successively, expressing warm congratulations and support for the establishment of Tokyo Office of Japan Research Center of Shanghai Jiaotong University. Later, relevant people cut the ribbon and took a group photo for the Tokyo office. At the symposium, we also exchanged information and views on future activities.
During their visit to Japan, Ding Kuiling, Executive Vice President of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and his delegation also went to Tokyo University to hold talks with Vice President Sadako Bebo Lai and the head of the international exchange department, to Tokyo University of Technology with Vice President Takata Runyi and Vice President Kajihara, and visited the President of Takata Fanghang at SMC.