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Lecture 7 of Nitto Special Lecture: The Impact of the World Change Accelerated by the Epidemic Disaster in the Century on Sino Japanese Relations
Text source:Release date:2021.06.08Times of browsing:

On June 8, 2021, the seventh Nitto Lecture of Japan Research Center of Shanghai Jiaotong University was successfully held in Conference Room 206, the fourth floor of the north of Xuhui Campus. The event was hosted by the Japan Research Center of Shanghai Jiaotong University and sponsored by Nitto Electric (China) Investment Co., Ltd. Jiang Ruiping, an outstanding distinguished professor and former vice president of the Foreign Affairs Institute, was the keynote speaker of the lecture, with the theme of "The impact of the century epidemic on China Japan relations". Wu Xinbo, Director of the Institute of Chinese Studies of Shanghai International Studies University, and Director of the East Asia Research Center, served as the reviewer, Ding Jian, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Foreign Languages of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and Deputy Director of the Japan Research Center, served as the moderator, and Ji Weidong, a senior liberal arts professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Director of the Japan Research Center, attended and delivered a speech. Li Fei, General Manager of the Board of Directors of Mizuho Bank (China) Co., Ltd., Cai Yuping, Deputy Director of the International Cooperation and Exchange Division of Shanghai Jiaotong University and Deputy Director of the Japan Research Center, Lv Shoujun, Professor of the School of State Affairs of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Zhu Baohua, Professor of Antai School of Economics and Management of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Yu Jiajia, Associate Professor of Kaiyuan School of Law of Shanghai Jiaotong University, and Yoshida Zhanghong, General Manager of Yano Economic Research Institute On behalf of Xu Hui and other Chinese and Japanese scholars, entrepreneurs and practitioners, YMCA Academy Shanghai Office in Hiroshima attended offline or online lectures.

Nitto Lecture of Japan Research Center of Shanghai Jiaotong University

Professor Ji Weidong, on behalf of the Japan Research Center, first expressed warm welcome and sincere thanks to the guests of this lecture, said that the Nitto thematic lecture series has formed a brand effect, and gave a brief introduction to the theme and guests of this lecture.

Ji Weidong, Senior Professor of Liberal Arts of Shanghai Jiaotong University and Director of Japan Research Center, delivered a speech

Professor Jiang Ruiping, the keynote speaker, combined the two interactive research frameworks of "world change and Sino Japanese relations" and "century change and century epidemic", analyzed their logical relationship from a large number of data, and proposed that the century epidemic accelerated the century change, bringing five impacts on Sino Japanese relations: 1) The accelerated rise of emerging market groups provides new opportunities; 2) The accelerated adjustment of the power balance of major countries brings new challenges; 3) The world economic center accelerated its eastward movement to expand new space; 4) Accelerating the reform of the multilateral governance system creates new demands; And 5) The accelerated evolution of regional cooperation pattern triggered new impetus. Professor Jiang believes that the current world pattern has undergone significant changes. On the one hand, the rise of emerging market groups driven by the China Japan relay is the primary trend of the century change, and the epidemic situation has accelerated the rise of emerging markets, prompting the main direction of China Japan cooperation to turn to the third party focusing on emerging markets. On the other hand, the epidemic accelerated the change of strength comparison among China, the United States and Japan. How to move forward smoothly under the impact of big country competition has posed great challenges to the two governments. Finally, Professor Jiang pointed out that the epidemic accelerated the eastward movement of the world economic center, and China and Japan had jointly contributed to the rise of the East Asian economy. Therefore, he expected China and Japan to work together to create another East Asian economic miracle. At a time when the multilateral system led by WTO and IMF is difficult to shoulder the heavy responsibility and the epidemic situation needs to strengthen global governance reform, China and Japan need to jointly undertake, strengthen cooperation and coordinate major topics that are in line with the strategic interests of both sides.

Jiang Ruiping, distinguished professor and former vice president of the Foreign Affairs Institute, delivered a keynote speech

At the review stage, Director Wu Xinbo believed that Professor Jiang Ruiping's report showed everyone's style and summarized it into five words: "big", which means to analyze big problems comprehensively and stereoscopically with a big analysis framework and extract five levels of interpretation, which is a big strategy and big thinking; "High" refers to the high conception of Sino Japanese relations, which has the momentum of "looking at all mountains and small mountains"; "Far" refers to looking at Sino Japanese relations from several logical perspectives, accurately grasping the current situation and proposing the future development trend and its inevitability in line with logic and law; "Deep" means that the report breaks through the general understanding and has new insights and original views; "Beauty" means that the discovery of internal logic is not only profound. It also has formal beauty. At the same time, Director Wu also talked about his own learning experience on "the rise of emerging market countries in groups and the great power doctrine under the decline of hegemonic countries" and "the power shift to the east and the big power conflict under the adjustment of international industrial layout".

Comments by Wu Xinbo, Director of the Institute of Chinese Studies of Shanghai Foreign Studies University and Director of the East Asia Research Center

During the on-site questions and interactive exchanges, the online and offline participants asked questions about the hot issues in the academic and practical circles, such as the CPTPP, institutional openness, the future economic and trade cooperation between China and Japan, and the United States Japan Joint Statement. Professor Jiang Ruiping gave his opinions one by one, and the discussion atmosphere was very warm.

On site questioning and interactive communication

At the stage of concluding remarks, Professor Ji Weidong summarized this special lecture, pointing out that Professor Jiang Ruiping's speech was farsighted and took apart complex issues. On the issue of world trends and Sino Japanese relations, the three scenes and three time points presented in the report were enlightening, illustrating Japan's current significance to China from both economic and diplomatic aspects. At the same time, the report also pointed out the key point for China Japan relations to get out of the predicament, namely, "from zero sum to co creation, promote multilateralism through regions, and jointly create an economic miracle in East Asia". In addition, Professor Ji thinks Director Wu Xinbo's comments are very excellent, especially the following three points are particularly impressive: (1) China should adopt tactical strategies in the face of international tension; (2) We should fully recognize the importance of close cooperation between China and Japan in political, economic and trade fields; And (3) Japan is currently facing the choice of whether to "leave Asia for the third time and enter the United States", which will have a profound impact on the geopolitical pattern of East Asia. Finally, Professor Ji would like to express his sincere thanks to all the speakers and the online and offline participants for their knowledge and ideas.

Professor Ji Weidong summarized the lecture

Finally, Chairman Cheng Shengyi of Nitto Electric (China) Investment Co., Ltd. presented a letter of thanks to Professor Jiang Ruiping for his wonderful speech and support for the Japan Research Center of Shanghai Jiaotong University.

Chairman Cheng Shengyi presented a letter of thanks to Professor Jiang Ruiping

Group photo of all offline guests