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Memorandum of Shanghai Jiaotong University and Kobe University on the Establishment of an International Joint Research Base for the Integration of Arts and Science
Text source:Release date:2020.07.01Times of browsing:
The Japan Research Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the International Cooperation Promotion Agency of Kobe University signed the following memorandum for the purpose of academic exchange and cooperation between the two universities.
1、 Purpose
The purpose of the base is to devote to the mutual exchange between Kobe University and Shanghai Jiaotong University in research and education, and to explore and cultivate outstanding young scholars.
2、 Organization
1. The base is set up in the Asian Comprehensive Academic Center, an international cooperation promotion institution of Kobe University, and the Japan Research Center of Shanghai Jiaotong University.
3、 Activities
Both institutions promote the following activities in academic and educational fields of mutual interest.
1. Joint research activities
2. Holding common international seminars, seminars, symposiums, etc
3. Staff and students exchange activities
4. Other academic exchanges agreed by both departments