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Today we seem to stand on the new crossroads of history.

Taking China's reform and opening-up as an opportunity, under the system of the China-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship, we have gone through another 40 years together in the blink of an eye. However, when looking around the world, we may find it full of risks and uncertainties. Therefore, there is an urgent need for us to find a stable anchor for the peace and prosperity of China, Japan and the whole world and to find an institutional framework for strengthening cooperation among Asia-Pacific countries.

Considering the special period of structural transformation in East Asia and even the world, the Center for Japanese Studies of Shanghai Jiao Tong University has been shouldering the following three specific missions of since its establishment.

Firstly, strengthen the shanghai style study of Japan. The shanghai style of Japan is a proposition put forward by Wang Daohan, senior of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and famous politician. It is characterized by the combination of Chinese and Western elements, facing the Pacific Ocean, transcending the outdated concepts such as Cold War mentality and zero-sum game, thus forming the diversity of perspectives and the inclusiveness of ideas. In other words, we are supposed to locate Japan in the general pattern of globalization and diversification, and to use the third party as the frame of reference to understand the complex relationship between China and Japan. Shanghai is the center of China's market economy and the leader of the Yangtze River Basin. Therefore, the shanghai style study is bound to pay more attention to practical issues such as enterprises, trade, finance, shipping, urban governance and the relationship between central and local governments, which is more technical, professional and empirical.

Secondly, carry forward the tradition of holding a regular Sino-Japan Economic Knowledge Exchange proposed by Deng Xiaoping and compiling Japanese Law and Regulations by Nanyang Public School, so as to further strengthen the dialogue about economy, trade, politics and law. In 1902, Zhang Yuanji, a famous publisher, started the compilation project of the Complete Collection of Japanese Laws and Regulations in Nanyang Public School, which included almost all the knowledge fields of modern national system and law. It can be said that the Complete Collection of Japanese Laws and Regulations is the starting point of the knowledge pedigree of our center. In the new era, we plan to further strengthen exchanges on system design, legal enforcement mechanisms and dispute resolution, promote dialogue around the reconstruction of the international order and the economic integration in East Asia, and build various platforms for this purpose, such as periodicals, forums, lectures, and so on.

Thirdly, promote public diplomacy in East Asia. Mutual understanding and consensus-building between China, Japan and other countries and regions in East Asia is based on people-to-people exchanges and communication. Promoting free discussion between Chinese and Japanese business managers and operators, promoting youth interaction in summer camps and studying abroad programs , holding public lectures and exhibitions, promoting cooperation in cultural and artistic undertakings, and supporting local cities’ industry-university-research integration projects and public welfare activities are all constituent elements of public diplomacy.

In order to carry out the above three major missions, the Center for Japanese Studies of Shanghai Jiao Tong University will seize the rare historical opportunity and devote itself to forward-looking, original, and constructive research. We will start from the problems that need to be jointly addressed by China and Japan, organize projects and form a number of excellent research results through cross-disciplinary and cross-border network cooperation. It is also of vital importance to gradually implement Asian future leadership training programs and high-end training programs to continuously promote exchanges, mutual understanding and cooperation between China and Japan. Through these methods, we are bound to ensure peace and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region and safeguard the global economic system of multilateralism and the international legal order of fair competition.