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The third "TELL+JAPAN" stage speech activity was successfully held in Shanghai Jiaotong University (with live replay)
Text source:Release date:2020.11.21Times of browsing:

At two o'clock on the afternoon of November 21, the third "TELL+JAPAN" stage speech, co sponsored by the Japan Research Center of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Kaiyuan Law School and TELL Public Lecture, was held at the Oriental Hall on the second floor of Liao Kaiyuan Law Building, Xuhui Campus, Shanghai Jiaotong University as scheduled. Because of the epidemic prevention requirements, the venue that can accommodate more than 200 people can only provide more than 100 seats. The audience took masks to listen to the stories of the six speakers, but this still did not affect the interaction between Teller and Listener. Laughter passed through the air, moved through the eyes, and filled the entire venue with warmth.

The opening ceremony was presided over by Ding Jian, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Foreign Languages of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and Deputy Director of the Japan Research Center. He introduced the special guests and attendees of the speech, and welcomed and thanked the guests both inside and outside the school. Zhou Cheng, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and Fukuda Gaogan, Vice Consul General of Japan in Shanghai (and Minister of Economy), attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Ji Weidong, a senior professor of liberal arts at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and director of the Japan Research Center, delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony. In addition, Hu Jin, Dean of the School of International and Public Affairs, Cai Yuping, Deputy Director of the International Cooperation and Exchange Division and Deputy Director of the Japan Research Center of the University, Zhang Yangbo, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Kaiyuan Law School and other university leaders attended the event.

Zhou Cheng spoke highly of the significance of the "TELL+JAPAN" stage speech activity in promoting the "understanding, change and win-win" of the two peoples. He pointed out that China and Japan are separated by a strip of water. The history of exchanges between them is 2000 years. In the long history of China Japan relations, the continuous communication and exchanges between the two peoples have laid a solid foundation for China Japan friendly relations. He hoped that this event could further enhance the understanding and mutual trust between the Chinese and Japanese people, and wished the event a complete success.

On behalf of the Consulate General of Japan in Shanghai, Fukuda Gao Gan first congratulated the organization of this event. He affirmed the design of the "TELL+JAPAN" stage speech activity, especially the goal of promoting Sino Japanese understanding, change and win-win results. He said that China Japan relations are undergoing great changes, and mutual understanding has always been the key to the development of China Japan relations. At the same time, China Japan relations have always been guided by some ideas. Timely changes in different development backgrounds are crucial, and win-win results are the basis for the stable development of China Japan relations.

Later, Director Ji Weidong delivered a keynote speech. He reviewed his stories about people and things with Japan from studying abroad to teaching, and from the perspective of "air, emptiness and gap", he talked about the understanding of self-regulation, mutual trust, accountability and the hollow structure of power in Japanese society, pointing out that there is a problem of "key minority" missing in the development and communication of Sino Japanese relations at this stage, It also puts forward the prospect of future economic cooperation and people to people and cultural exchanges. His humorous language and deep thinking have caused warm applause from the audience.

After the opening ceremony, the "TELL+JAPAN Speech" officially started. It was hosted by TELler Wang Jianming, founder of Shanghai Huangpu District Yucheng Translation Training Center and the first TELL+JAPAN, and six speakers came on the stage in turn.

Huang Jinglong has studied Chinese for more than 20 years. He once won the champion of the Japanese translation competition held by the People's China Society. He is a very practical person in language learning, but many Japanese relatives and friends think that he is not very practical in life, because he chose a different way from ordinary Japanese when he was 30 years old - to become a Japanese foreign teacher working in China, Having spent two years in Xi'an made him feel a very valuable and practical life. His speech triggered everyone's thinking. Is steadfastness a social evaluation? Or is it a personal experience? How should individuals make their own choices.

After becoming a father, Zhang Bo found that his son did not like football as much as he did. In order to train his son to embark on the journey to Japan to learn football coach skills, and finally become the only Chinese who has obtained the level B coach qualification certificate of the Japanese Football Association at present. He found that Japan's football education, as an oriental culture, has broken away from the strong purpose of the past. Even professional football coaches put basic training first, And put the cultivation of children's thinking ability in a very important position, patiently explain why to children. This touched him and made him more deeply understand what is called "players first".

Yoshishu Nomura was forced to study in China, so at first he did not have a good impression of China, but his fate seemed to make him unable to get rid of China. During his contact with many ordinary Chinese people from Taipei to Shenzhen to Wuxi and then to Shanghai, he thoroughly liked China, and married a sister from Hunan. He invited his parents living in Tokyo to complete a special wedding in rural Hunan, We will promote the establishment of sound communication between Japan and China. He told us that there is no Chinese named Chinese. China is specific, which is reflected in the interaction with every real Chinese. Only by active communication can we reach mutual understanding.

Although Lin Ke is a Chinese, she grew up in Japan, and even Chinese was taught by Japanese teachers. The experience of being rejected by children in Japan and China at the same time when she was young made her pay special attention not to be influenced by the stereotypes that she was used to in her life and work. After graduation from college, her comfortable work in Shizuoka County did not satisfy her. She believed that only by better understanding the world, can she better understand Shizuoka, So she embarked on a journey around the world, and finally came to work in Shanghai. She always tried to strive for more thinking and more choices, which filled her future with unlimited possibilities. None of these possibilities were not obtained through her careful examination and decision. The open attitude and serious thinking spirit of the Chinese and Japanese youth represented by Lin Ke undoubtedly made us confident in the future.

Zhang Jinting came to Japan because of a kind help. He won't say a word in Japanese. In his later life and work, he got a lot of help from Japanese friends. He realized that the kindness in life is flowing, and he also chose to be a part of this kindness.

The last speaker, Qianxia Kobayashi, is the daughter of China and Japan. She is a family composed of Japanese father and Chinese mother. It seems that she is destined to become a bridge between China and Japan. She started from the students' incomprehension of the Chinese education she received when she was young. Speaking of the communication problems between Japanese managers and Chinese employees that she saw after work, she believed that mutual understanding could not be solved by language translation alone, but also involved the recognition of each other's culture, Therefore, she decided to become a consulting company to help strengthen understanding between China and Japan.

Six personal stories from different speakers, each of which reflects the cultural differences between China and Japan, and each of the protagonists of the story has completed the cultural leap in their own way, which makes us believe that understanding, change and win-win between China and Japan can be achieved. I mentioned that we have the will and efforts.

Finally, President Hu Jin, Director Ji Weidong, Deputy Secretary Zhang Yangbo, founder of TELL Story Speech Jiang Tao, co-founder Niu Yanjun, and speech coach Shen Yue presented awards and took a group photo for the six speakers.